
Fatal silo accident: The Danish Working Environment Authority issues order to company

Three foreign workers died while they were expanding a silo at a biogas plant on Funen. Now, safety measures must be improved

The Belgian company Bio Dynamics has been issued an order by the Danish Working Environment Authority (DWEA) after three workers died in a severe work accident on Tuesday, November 26, at a biogas plant in Flemløse near Glamsbjerg on Funen.

This information has emerged from a right-to-know access obtained by the trade journal 3F from the Danish Working Environment Authority.

In connection with the work accident, two Romanian workers aged 20 and 25, as well as a 53-year-old Belgian, died. In addition, six other workers were injured after the roof of a silo at the biogas plant collapsed.

The Belgian company must immediately rectify the safety issues, according to the order issued to the company by the DWEA on November 29.

”You have received an immediate injunction to ensure that necessary measures are taken to protect the company's employees against the safety risk that arises from the temporary instability of the molding form during the casting of the silo roof," writes the DWEA, and continues:

”This is because we observed the following: The molding form collapses during the casting of the silo roof, causing the roof and the employees to fall 25 meters down."

The trade journal 3F has unsuccessfully attempted to get comments from the Belgian company Bio Dynamics for several days.

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