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WTA Fact-finding Tour Denmark

Economic Efficient Energy Optimization

This week, the WTA (Water Technology Alliance) has arranged a fact-finding tour in Denmark, where potential American customers get an insight into Danish products and solutions within the wastewater treatment plants.

The purpose of the trip is to exchange experiences: How did we obtain optimization, digitalization, and energy efficiency on Danish wastewater treatment plants, and turned them into energy producing plants.

How can Danish knowhow and products help with successful initiatives & partnerships on the path to energy producing plants in the U.S?

The Fact-finding tour helps us getting to know each other and understanding the challengers we have reaching economical, beneficial production of sustainable energy…

Thanks to all who participated in this year’s fact-finding tour.

 Pic.: Site visit on Viby WWTP and their 357kW CHP container solution delivered by NISSEN energy.

NISSEN energy a/s
Godthaabsvej 1
8660 Skanderborg
Skanderborg Kommune
CVR nummer: DK19394441
P nummer: 1003869623


Heidi Førster Laursen
ISO-/Adm. Coordinator
+45 75756500 hfl@nissenenergy.com

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