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Data Respons Solutions

Data Respons Solutions designs, develops and delivers smart embedded and industrial IoT solutions by combining specialised technical competence with standard embedded hardware from leading technology partners.

Since more than 35 years, we realise customer-specific technologies for leading international companies in a wide range of industrial market segments such as maritime & offshore, automation, medical technology, surveillance, transport, telecommunication and other industries.

Smarter customised solutions

As a complete technology partner, we are involved throughout the entire development process - from specification, system architecture, HW design, software development, secure connections, testing and qualification to series delivery.

In addition, Data Respons Solutions offers value-added services based on specialist competence including technical support and lifecycle management services and are involved in next generation studies.

In view of rapid technological progress and the need for more software content, more functionality and higher performance, our customised solutions for specific applications offer our customers a decisive competitive advantage by minimising project risks and enabling rapid time-to-market, as well as reducing development costs.

Talk to us about how you can accelerate your business with customised technologies.

Data Respons Solutions
Smedeholm 10
2730 Herlev
CVR nummer: DK21511870
P nummer: 1004986818
ISO 9001, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001, ISO 14001:2015 , ISO 9001:2015
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